8 mars kl 15-17


Welcome to an afternoon with inspirational stories from women who contributed to the cultural life in Norrbotten from the 60s onwards, with their eyes on the future.

In 2021, Gallery Sister started the Women -Based History Writing project in the north. How has it been with the quest to build the archive with stories from female cultural workers?

Hear project manager Marianne Söderberg talk about our archive, which is currently about 130 names and stories.

Also hear Karin Tjernström, archivist at the Archives Center Norrbotten, tell us about the importance of preserving our stories and providing them in the history writing. Karin will also push for a Wikipedia course that is planned, where the purpose is to refill the many gaps and voids of history where minorities of all kinds are hiding.

SOCIOTOPKARTA - Karin Erixon - Galleri Syster

23 mars


A first meeting

Gallery Sister is now launching the project Strategies for Pissiga Times aimed at art and cultural organizers in Norrbotten.

We invite to power collection and call for common strategies for artistic survival in a troubled time. The threat from some culturally hostile trends worries and we need to gather and formulate, become a stronger we. By inviting joint recurring conversations with other organizers in the area to get to know each other through conversations “behind the performances”.

We believe in friendship and knowledge. Getting to know each other’s genres and activities through conversation between cultural organizers, we hope to build a common understanding of the time and situation that prevails. We are free cultural creators and free cultural organizers who work to provide a free art and its practitioners to expand their thoughts and creative work. We believe in the unique opportunities of art to contribute to a good society in its democracy -promoting nature. Something that can only happen if it is allowed to work by its own freedom. We must always guard these values, which are so easily negotiated because of fears and ignorance.

We start from our place in Norrbotten, because there is a value to network right here, get to know our neighbors’ operations, difficulties and opportunities. In the northern botanical context, there are also special conditions such as a vast geography and sometimes small towns and municipalities placed far from “everything’s center” (Norrbotten also offers industrial expectations with the so -called “green transition”).

Initially, we ask ourselves questions such as:
How can we together build strategies for pissed times?
How can we in our various activities support each other in the continuous construction of a good artistic climate in our region? What can we learn from each other’s processes, the artistic and the administrative? How can we highlight each other’s activities and together demonstrate each other’s necessity in our region? How can we together monitor and formulate our needs?

Are you an art and cultural organizer in Norrbotten? Come and have a snack and discuss or just listen!
It is free and the room is wheelchair -adapted.

SOCIOTOPKARTA - Karin Erixon - Galleri Syster


We are looking for artists!

Open Call – they talk about us, exhibition

Exhibition period: 12 Dec 2025 – 10 January 2026

Many people look at the north, this applies to investors, politicians, artists, curators and activists. We who live and work in the north experience an ever -increasing interest in our place, our issues, our environments and raw materials.

The theme comes out of a feeling that became ever stronger, the feeling of being looked at, investigated and illuminated and interpreted, without being involved in formulating. Colonial structures have again become increasingly visible. Our curiosity is based on our northern perspective. With the absolute belief that it is artists and art that investigate and process the most important and most current issues, we let artists with the northern perspective take their place in our program.

The exhibition becomes a kind of inventory of what the northern contemporary art looks like and what issues it concerns. With a responsive approach that is based on one here, several interests and questions are made to take a seat, instead of being allowed to be voted by the usual strong picture of our experiences. Somewhere in the middle of the northern situation, Galleri Sister seeks a broader image, where a spectrum of life and realities takes place and formulated. Which look creates the image of us and our place? Are we involved in creating the knowledge of our time, as well as our history?

Now after two years on the theme they talk about us, Galleri Sister is looking forward to gathering more votes in this exhibition.

Email your application to info@gallerisyster.se by April 14.
Participation and exhibition compensation is paid, as well as freight, travel and accommodation.

Do you have any questions, email us!
Welcome with your application!

SOCIOTOPKARTA - Karin Erixon - Galleri Syster

Read more about our theme THEY ARE TALKING ABPUT US here.