Our theme 2024-2025. For two years we will investigate the northern situation.
Many people look at the north, this applies to investors, politicians, artists, curators and activists. We who live and work in the north experience an ever -increasing interest in our place, our issues our environments and raw materials.
The so -called green transition, the fossil -free steel, hydrogen production and battery factories are different components of a strong political rhetoric. It is also a change that gathers many expectations and hope.
We are seen and included in a national and international consciousness. It is a special situation to live in a place where many interests meet. Geographical renegotiations have long been part of the northern, and these are now being intensified. We do not feel completely involved.
The theme comes out of a feeling that became stronger. The feeling of being looked at, examined and illuminated and interpreted, without being involved in formulating, grew stronger. After countless guides in the northern perspectives, it suddenly did not feel really good anymore. Some medial and Loka incidents reinforced a sense of exclusion, in the middle of a headwind that should have been pleasant. We started to think about which voice was ours. Which look created the image of us and our place, were we ourselves part of that look? We were involved in creating the knowledge of our time, as well as our history?
In them talk about us comes a situation where colonial structures again become increasingly visible to be illuminated.
The theme should be seen as a platform of learning and investigative where the curiosity is based on here. With the absolute belief that it is artists and art that investigate and process the most important and topical issues, we let artists from the northern regions take their place in our program. Gallery Sister’s room becomes a center in the theme for exhibitions, conversations and meetings. A kind of inventory of what the northern contemporary art looks like and what issues it concerns. With a responsive approach that is based on one here, several interests and questions are made to take a seat, rather than being overpowered by the usual strong picture of our experiences. Somewhere in the middle of the northern situation, Galleri Sister seeks a broader image, where a spectrum of life and realities takes place and formulated.
Now it is simply time for us, we who live here, to investigate our place, both the geographical and the mental. Gallery Sister initially asks questions that will be carried with during the theme years, questions that can very well be redeemed, canceled or replaced along the way.
We collaborate during 2024 and 2025 with Katarina Pirak Sikku.