Galleri Lillasyster is an art collective for young people in Norrbotten! We protect the arts of art on the terms of art and offer a business where young people meet active artists, contemporary art, serious education and a creative context!
Galleri Lillasyster was started by Galleri Syster in 2011. There was a need for a platform for young people to work in as artists!
It all started with a collection exhibition where students from the aesthetic program showed their final production. Since then, Galleri Lillasyster has held a number of exhibitions and courses, participated in several festivals and public events, traveled on educational trips and had interesting meetings between young people and professional artists.
Many of the young people who participated from the start have now taken on the steps out in art life, with studies at art colleges and work in the artistic field!
Today, Galleri Lillasyster is still run under Galleri Sysyter’s wings, but with its own youth board and two young business developers who, in consultation with the little sisters, the big sisters and the board, run the business.
At Galleri Lillasyster you who are between 13-25 years can participate in art courses and workshops, exhibit your art, go on study trips, participate in skis nights, take on art assignments, meet professional artists and much more!
Everything is free of charge and open to everyone between 13-25 years living in Norrbotten. Little sister has their own room on the shipyard in Luleå, but stands for travel allowance to you who live in another place in Norrbotten.

Image from one of Galleri Lillasysters activities.
Website: www.gallerilillasyster.se
Mail: Galleri.lillasyster@gmail.com
Instagram: @gallerilillasyster
Galleri Lillasyster is supported by: